FOW Animation Update

FOW Animation Updated

Sustainable, renewable energy is critical if the world is to realise its net-zero emissions targets in the coming decades. Whether by direct transmission or through ‘Power-to-X’ such as green hydrogen, a rich offshore wind resource coupled with limited shallow water sites make floating offshore wind turbines an ideal solution.

Griffin-Woodhouse is supporting the energy transition agenda through its membership of not-for-profit organisations, engagement with innovation and research centres, collaboration and leadership in technical committees and promoting the industry world-wide.

GWEC are members of WFO’s FOW Committee and our Commercial Director, David J Timmington has the privileged position of being Chairman of its ‘Moorings’ Subcommittee. As such we gain valuable insight and early access to technological advances therefore, our FOW animation has been updated to reflect some of these.

By developing mooring systems suitable for floating wind our goal is to accelerate growth from demonstrator projects to full-scale arrays by 2030 and reduce levelized cost of energy.

World Forum Offshore Wind